Healthy Habits – Boring or Exciting? Here’s What Beth Thinks.

So I’ve been working on my habits for over two years now. It all started when I went to the doctor and she checked my cholesterol. It was high. She wanted to put me on cholesterol medication and I refused. I told her I want to do it naturally. She said, “Ok, cut back on everything that comes from a cow, sugar and anything white such as bread, rice, pasta, etc.” AND exercise everyday for a half hour. Oh my ever-loving God. I love eating all these things(I love pasta especially) and exercise daily? Drag. But I started my journey of changing my habits and it steps have been small, incremental and impactful.

The operative word here is CUT BACK or reduce what I was eating and drinking and slowly but surely, ADD more healthy choices. Here is a list of things I changed slowly but surely, over time. (It didn’t happen over night, over a course of about two years.)

~I cut back on milk-based coffee creamer. I now choose oatmilk and it is just as good. Better really.
~I drink at least 3 or more glasses of water a day.
~I try and exercise daily. I either go to the gym for an hour or I walk at least 1 1/2 miles daily. I don’t do it perfectly but I do a pretty good job.
~I cut back on drinking my toffee nut latte at Starbucks. I used to have at least 2 or three a week, now I have 2 or three a month.
~I try and drink alcohol only on the weekends. Sometimes I will drink during the week if we go out or are invited to a party.
~I eat a lot more chicken and fish. If I have a choice, I will pick these two most of the time.
~I cut back on sugars also. I used to have a piece of chocolate after I ate lunch and dinner. And maybe a cookie or two during the day. Now, I occasionally have a small piece of sweet after dinner. Not all the time.

There is more but these are the biggies. Am I perfect on all fronts? Heck no. I “cheat” occasionally but it is better than it was. And I’m always going to be working on it. I did get my cholesterol checked about a year ago and all my markers had gone down. They are still not where they need to be but I’m still working towards getting them down. Much better than taking the cholesterol medication and hopefully better for me.

So would I say that working on my habits has been boring? Well, maybe. I would not say it has been exciting either. But very necessary. It has also been a journey. It is not something that I excelled at right out of the gate. It is incremental, small steps. And is it worth it? A resounding yes is in order. I am always working on my health and moving towards feeling better and better. It also is incremental but I will say that I do feel slightly better and I’m going to keep working on my healthy habits so I can get the healthiest I can be.

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